Visionary Spotlight: Felica Williams
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Visionary Spotlight: Felica Williams

Writer: visionaryshannavisionaryshanna

We are elated to shine the spotlight on visionary entrepreneurs across the United States thanks to our Visionary Sponsor, SwagHer Magazine and Media!

Today, we introduce you to Felica Williams!

Introduce yourself to the Visions of Greatness audience. 👑Founder of Queen Up Inc. 👑Certified Grief Specialist 👑Domestic violence Advocate 👼🏼Mommies of Angels Social group

Felica Williams, a mother of 5; to which one now calls Heaven, home. I lost my son to an accident while trying to stop a domestic violence altercation.

Who would have thought after years of being stuck between grieving and survival mode and going through a deep depression; that I would one day make the conscious decision to turn my pain into my purpose, and assist other parents just like me? I wanted to be relatable, resourceful, and a shoulder to lean on, to parents who had experienced the pain of losing a child. I signed up for grief and loss courses and enrolled myself into a Public Speaking class to learn as much as I could to become an effective mentor and leader. In 2017, I Founded Queen Up Inc. organization, which caters to raising awareness around domestic violence and suicide; and also coaches and supports parents who suffer from child loss. I became a certified grief specialist to cater to kids dealing with grief. I am also the author of two understanding grief workbooks for kids, which helps kids navigate through grief. To learn more about Queen Up, you can go to

Who or what inspired you to pursue entrepreneurship? The death of my son and the feeling I was going through as a mother not knowing about grief and how to handle the emotions.

Tell the Visions of Greatness audience more about your products/services. I offer grief coaching for parents and we also focus on the siblings. We also have events that are interactive but also honors the families that are dealing with loss inside the home.

Let's switch gears briefly and discuss the COVID-19 pandemic. What adjustments have you made in your life and business since the pandemic started?

As we all did during this time we had sessions through zoom but had to cancel most events.

What advice would you give to entrepreneurs struggling to balance their life and business?

Live and feel life! You don’t have as much time as you think you do. Watch out for clarity killers… comparison, people pleasing, and casualness.

Share with us one ingredient in your secret sauce for success.

Perseverance, things will happen and not all of it is bad but the key is to learn from it and keep going.

How can the Visions of Greatness audience connect with you?

Instagram: Queenup_7 Facebook: Queen Up


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