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5 Tips to Manage Holiday Stress

Writer's picture:  Shanna A. Jefferson Shanna A. Jefferson

As the holidays approach, you probably are anticipating holiday plans with family, traveling, and looking forward to some time off from work. As fun as the holidays can be, this also can be a very stressful time of the year.

If you are an entrepreneur or business owner, you actually may end up working longer hours when your employees take time off. Then there are the holiday parties to plan and attend, some we eagerly anticipate, others that we would welcome a bout with the flu just to have an excuse to miss. Then there's the shopping, the cooking and getting the house ready for guests. Add to that any conflict or tension in your family and you have a recipe for a stressful holiday season!

You can manage your stress to your advantage. Keep in mind that you are in charge of your stress level. You decide how you will let others affect you. You decide what gets done and what to let go of. You determine your experience of the holidays.

Your mindset determines your outlook, your actions, and your experience. Deciding who and how you will be has a tremendous impact on your holiday experience.

Holidays are the time of year to seduce the senses and bolster the bonds between family and friends. But even the hardiest of revelers can succumb to holiday stress. Fret not, you weary holiday warriors. Below are tips for managing holiday stress. These holiday stress tips include ways to stay organized, ways to volunteer your time, decorate, shop, cook, and even write cards - all the while making your health and happiness top priorities.

Time Management Tips to Minimize Stress: Stress and depression often go hand in hand. It is estimated that 10% of the population experiences depression triggered by stress. You can minimize these unwanted effects by controlling time spent on holiday chores.

5 Tips to Manage Holiday Stress

Set Limits.

Don't try to do everything in one day or one weekend. Map out your holiday schedule, decide how much you can do at any given time, and stick with it. Don't forget to ask for help if needed.

Take time for yourself.

It's easy to get burdened with a to-do list but while writing down your To-Dos, remember to pencil in time for relaxation and daily rest, Complete a crossword or Soduku puzzle. Take a walk, a nap, or a long, hot bubble bath. These little mental and physical breaks are quick me ups that will rejuvenate you.

Help others.

If you have the time, volunteer. If you have the money, cut a check. Helping those less fortunate than you can lift your spirits and remind you what the holidays are about. Suggested organizations include 'Arthritis Foundation's Jingle Bell Run', the 'Marine Toys for Tots Foundation', 'Meals on Wheels', or even helping the Red Cross with the hurricane victims. Your available time and/or money will dictate whether your benevolent efforts are small or grandiose.

Make compromises.

If time is getting the best of you, skip the card writing. Instead, multitask your holiday well-wishes. Grab your hands-free headphone and call your friends to wish them happy holidays. Talking to friends and family will boost your spirits. If you still want to send cards, get printed ones to save time.

Don't create a financial burden.

Don't cause added worry and stress by overspending. Simplify gift-giving. Ask family members to do a grab-bag gift exchange. Or forego the gift exchange altogether. Enjoy less expensive entertainment by driving to decorated houses or going to free concerts.

Finally, just remember to do what you can to prevent stress from wrecking your holidays. Remember to stop and rest, especially at the first sign that you've overdone it. Be sure to enlist help if needed. Taking time to relax, whether it's listening to music or soaking in a hot tub, will help you better cope with the holidays. And above all, have a happy, healthful, and blessed holiday season.


As a Psychotherapist and Business Coach, I help entrepreneurs create harmony in life and business through personal development, mental wealth, and sustainable business practices.


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