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Hey there Entrepreneur!

I’m Shanna and I understand your journey as an aspiring or emerging entrepreneur in building your business and brand.

As an Entrepreneur, Mental Health Therapist, Author and Speaker I am passionate about motivating and educating entrepreneurs to take a holistic approach to entrepreneurship. I aim to serve as a beacon of hope, light, change, and Greatness!

Psychotherapist | Business Strategist | Motivational Speaker

In-Demand Services

Business Meeting

Just for Entrepreneurs

Are you an aspiring or emerging entrepreneur ready to take your life and business to the next level?

If yes, let's connect.

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Speaking Engagements

Are you seeking a dynamic and captivating speaker?

Dr. Jefferson will leave the audience motivated and ready to take action in their life and business.

Happy Family

Mental Health Services

 Dr. Shanna A. Jefferson is licensed mental health therapist in SC, NC, and GA. 

Click below to start your journey.

About Shanna

Hey there Entrepreneur!


I’m Shanna and I understand your journey as an aspiring or emerging entrepreneur in building your business and brand.


As an Entrepreneur, Mental Health Therapist, Author and Speaker I am passionate about motivating and educating entrepreneurs to take a holistic approach to entrepreneurship. I aim to serve as a beacon of hope, light, change, and Greatness!



To serve as a beacon of Greatness by inspiring and teaching entrepreneurs to live passionately, unleash their full potential and fulfill their purpose in the world. 








What Others Have to Say About Shanna

"Shanna is shifting the mindset of entrepreneurs and driven professionals to raise their level of self-awareness, allowing them to maximize their potential, talents, and intellectual property."
- Ty Hamilton, Brand Consultant
"Ms. Shanna has lifted me up to where I say I can when I used to say I can’t."

– D.A.
"This young lady speaks from the heart and with God on her side. Give her your ear to receive a much-needed word of encouragement."

- Sebrena Holmes Gibson
"That's a powerful lady right there."
- Cali, Music Executive & Radio Personality 
Your speech has given me some motivation to want to go back into the world and start living again, instead of just existing...Keep being the light, where darkness resides.
- Ms. Vicki
Thanks for being a captivated speaker for our recipients and those that were in attendance.

- Dewayne Eubanks, Vice President, Big 7 Association 

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Shanna A  Jefferson Converted
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Unleash Your Greatness with Shanna A. Jefferson
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Meet The Authors
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